| adli: | legal, judicial, juridical, forensic |
| adlı: | called, named, entitled, yclept, called by name (Archaic) |
| adlı: | judiciary |
| adli müracaat yolları: | [isim] judicial remedy |
| adli hata: | judicial error, lapse of justice, miscarriage of justice |
| adli sicil: | criminal record, rap sheet, record of previous convictions |
| adli sicil bürosu: | record office |
| adli sicil kaydı: | conduct sheet |
| adli muhafaza (bir şeyin mahkeme emriyle adli muhafaza altında bulundurulması: | custody of the law |
| adli görevleri yerine getirmek: | [fiil] to exercise judicial functions |
| adli tıp psikiyatri: | |
| adli subay: | legal officer, provost, provost marshal, prosecuting officer, judicial officer |
| adli tebligat: | judicial notice, summons |