alay: | regimental, pertaining to a military regiment, pertaining to a unit composed of two or more battalions | |
alay: | regiment, procession, parade, cortege, troops in line, teasing, mockery, ridicule, fun, mock, irony, banter, derision, fleet, gibe, jape, jeer, jest, jibe, leg pull, persiflage, quiz, rub, scoff, sneer, taunt, wipe | |
alay konusu: | lauching stock, ridicule, sport | |
alay etmek: | pull smb.'s leg, take the mickey out of smb., poke fun, poke fun at smb. | |
alay eden: | taunting | |
alay ederek: | mockingly | |
alay edilecek şey: | mockery | |
alay etmekten vaz geçmek: | [fiil] to lay off | |
alay anlamına taklit: | mockery | |
alay komutanı: | field officer | |
alay etme: | making fun of, derision, jeering, send up, shy | |
alay edilecek şey değil: | no jesting matter |