Allah:King of kings, name for God; the Supreme, the Eternal; the godhead, Allah, God, the Lord, the Almighty, the Creator, Father, the Infinite, the Providence
allah allah:my goodness, by Jove!, hello, goodness gracious!, gee whiz, gracious goodness, gracious me, I will be damned, golly, gosh, gee
allah aşkına:for the love of mike, for God's sake!, for Heaven's sake!, for goodness' sake, for the love of God, for pity's sake
allah belânı versin:damn you, god curse you, drat you
allah belâsını versin:Damn it!, dash it, dash it all, the Devil, curse him, a plague on him
Allah senden razı olsun:God bless you for what you have done
Allah versin:may God help you
allah kahretsin:Damn it!, damnation, damned, blast it, dash it, fuck it! [sl.], bugger it! [sl.], bugger! [sl.]
Allah ömürler versin:may you live long
Allah selamet versin:may God protect you, God bless you
Allah cezasını versin:what the hell

[ son aranan 10 kelime: gorgeousness | child genius | bomb scare | kadavra | ayı+balığı | to carry matters to extremes | bedroom | erdem örneği | yasasızlık | allah ]
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