aptal:silly, stupid, dumb, foolish, idiotic, fatheaded, feeble-minded, half witted, thickheaded, daft, dotty, goofy, gormless, inane, oafish
aptal:stupid person, stupid, silly, fool, dummy, idiot, birdbrain, booby, cuckoo, dumb bell, dunce, fathead, half wit, lummox, simp, softhead, tomfool, twerp, twit
aptal aptal dolaşmak:mooch
aptal aptal konuşmak:tittle tattle
aptal aşık:fancy man
aptal kutusu:boob tube
aptal yerine koymak:befool
aptal aptal sırıtmak:[fiil]  to simper

[ son aranan 10 kelime: hakkını aramak | karmaşa | budak | goal | elastic band | competency | same | give one the creeps | unholy | aptal ]
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