bitkin: | exhausted, tired, deadbeat, tired to death, worn out, all in, all out, beat, broken down, bushed, dog-tired, drained, drawn, drawn out, drooping, effete, faint, forworn, worn to a frazzle, haggard, jaded, knackered, languorous, overdone | |
bitkin: | tucker out, exhaust, make tired, wear out totally | |
bitkin at: | Rosinante | |
bitkin durumda: | at one's last gasp | |
bitkin düşme: | frazzle | |
bitkin bir duruma getirmek: | [fiil] to knock up | |
bitkin durumda olmak: | [fiil] to be reduced to a pulp | |
bitkin düşmüş: | washed up | |
bitkin ve mecalsiz olmak: | [fiil] to have no kick left |