görev: | duty, mission, Job, work, function, service, part, assignment, commission, appointment, billet, business, charge, devoir, employment, incumbency, office, piece of work, position, situation, stint, task, workings | |
görev: | task | |
görev almak: | take office | |
görev anlayışı: | sense of duty | |
görev anlayışı olmayan: | undutiful | |
görev sahası: | [isim] purview | |
görev yapmak: | serve, serve one's time | |
görev süresi: | term of office, term, period of office, run in office | |
görev meraklısı: | eager beaver | |
görev alanı: | sphere of duties | |
görev mevkii: | duty station | |
görev süresini uzatmak: | [fiil] to extend the terms of office |