| makul: | reasonable, fair, acceptable, just, moderate, level, logical, comprehensible, conceivable, judicious, plausible, possible, probable, sane, sensible, sober, sober minded |
| mâkul: | within reason |
| makül: | macule |
| makul nedenler: | reasonable ground |
| makul ticari haddin üstünde faiz: | interest in excess of a reasonable commercial rate |
| makul bir şekilde: | reasonably, understandably |
| makul fiyat: | fair price |
| makul olarak: | conceivably |
| makul süre içinde: | within reasonable time, within a reasonable time, within a resonable time |
| makul eleştiri: | sane criticism |
| makul sınırlar dahilinde: | within reasonable bounds |
| makul sebepler: | [isim] prudential motives |
| makul olmaya davet edilmesi olanaksız: | unamenable to reason |