| person: | [isim] adam, şahıs, kişi, tip, kimse, zat, birey, beden, vücut, karakter [tiy.] |
| person entitled: | hak sahibi |
| person in charge: | sorumlu kişi |
| person of quality: | yüksek mevki sahibi kimse |
| person to person call: | birebir arama |
| person or thing being talked: | söz konusu |
| person who serves: | ihbarda bulunan kişi |
| person who has formed a habit: | alışmış |
| person who likes to help others: | yardımsever |
| person who has reached the age of discretion: | mümeyyiz |
| person who makes a request on behalf of sb else: | ricacı |