tahrik:turning on, excitation, incitement, instigation, provocation, agitation, fomentation, impellent, incitation, sedition, stimulation, whetstone
tahrik eden:seductive
tahrik eden şey:stimulant
tahrik edici:provocative, incendiary, stimulative, stimulating, inflammatory, coat trailing
tahrik edilmemiş:unprovoked
tahrik etmek:turn on, seduce, excite, provoke, incite, instigate, agitate, egg, egg on, fan, ferment, hound, hound on, irritate, jockey into, move, rough the wrong way, rouse, solicit, stimulate, sting, stir up, whet, whip up, wind up, work up
tahrik olmak:hot up
tahrik etme:arousal
tahrik ile bir şey yapmak:[fiil]  to act (do) sth under provocation
tahrik altında işlenen suç:[isim]  crime of passion

[ son aranan 10 kelime: tren hangarı | pençere | joinder of offences | artistical | iç hastalıkları uzmanı | mortalite indeksi | critical assembly | gütmek | harita çizimi için ölçmek | tahrik ]
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