| takdir: | appreciation, admiration, recognition, estimation, approbation, commendation, discretion, estimate, opinion, regard, tribute |
| takdir eden: | appreciative, appreciatory, appreciating |
| takdir edilemez: | inappreciable |
| takdir edilmek: | win recognition |
| takdir edilmeyen: | unappreciated |
| takdir etmek: | appreciate, prize, admire, pay tribute, estimate, predestinate, predestine, esteem, go for, ordain, recognize, regard |
| takdir hakkının kullanılması: | exercise of judicial discretion |
| takdir hakkının kötüye kullanılması: | abuse of discretion |
| takdir yetkisini kötüye kullanmak: | [fiil] to abuse one's discretion |