teselli:consolation, comfort, cheer, salve, solace
teselli etmek:comfort, console, cheer up!, cheer, solace
teselli bulmak:find consolation, take comfort, console oneself, draw consolation, find solace in
teselli eden kimse:comfort
teselli eden şey:consolation
teselli edici:comforting, consolatory
teselli ödülü:consolation prize
teselli kaynağı:consolation
teselli mektubu:consolatory letter
teselli edilemez:disconsolate
teselli mükafatı:honourable mention, consolation stake

[ son aranan 10 kelime: broadsword | cubic | status inquiry | şifre çözücü | morning | belirtilen meblağ | bütçe hareketleri | to pack a child off to bed | to get along with | teselli ]
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