| Vatan: | Blighty, Britain or England as homeland (name used affectionately in jest) |
| vatan: | habitat, home, homeland, land, motherland, native land, native shore, soil |
| vatan (göçmen): | old country |
| vatan değiştirmek: | change one's allegiance |
| vatan haini: | quisling, traitor |
| vatan sevgisi: | love of country |
| vatan uğruna çalışmak: | [fiil] to work for the good of the country |
| vatan savunması: | home defence |
| vatan veya ev hasreti çeken: | homesick |
| vatan ya da ev hasreti çeken: | homesick |
| vatan yararına çalışmak: | [fiil] to work for the good of the country |
| vatan hasreti: | homesickness, nostalgia |