| zapt: | conquest, seizure |
| zapt (alacaklının , borç miktarını borçluya ait menkul malları üçüncü şahsın elinde bloke ettirmesi , malların bedelinden alacağın tahsil edilmesi ; g: | garnishee yens illegal yen immigration yens to institute legal yens against |
| zapt olunmak: | [fiil] to fall, to smother |
| zapt edilen bir gemiyi seferden men etmek: | [fiil] to condemn a captured vessel |
| zapt ve müsadere hariç: | free of capture and seizure |
| zapt ve müsadere ilanı: | attachment |
| zapt olunan bir malı geri almak için açılan dava: | trover |
| zapt etmek: | [fiil] to carry, to confiscate, to conquer, to control, to hold, to hold back, to hold in, to seize, to make seizure, to smother, to tackle, to restrain, to gain control of, to capture a place by force, (public authority) to confiscate, to impound, to seize or distrain sth, to seize sth wrongfully, to take sth down, to record sth in writing, to understand |
| zapt etmek, ele geçirmek, yakalamak; el koymak: | [fiil] to seize |
| zapt edilemez: | impregnable, unassailable |