zapt:conquest, seizure
zapt (alacaklının , borç miktarını borçluya ait menkul malları üçüncü şahsın elinde bloke ettirmesi , malların bedelinden alacağın tahsil edilmesi ; g:garnishee yens illegal yen immigration yens to institute legal yens against
zapt olunmak:[fiil]  to fall, to smother
zapt edilen bir gemiyi seferden men etmek:[fiil]  to condemn a captured vessel
zapt ve müsadere hariç:free of capture and seizure
zapt ve müsadere ilanı:attachment
zapt olunan bir malı geri almak için açılan dava:trover
zapt etmek:[fiil]  to carry, to confiscate, to conquer, to control, to hold, to hold back, to hold in, to seize, to make seizure, to smother, to tackle, to restrain, to gain control of, to capture a place by force, (public authority) to confiscate, to impound, to seize or distrain sth, to seize sth wrongfully, to take sth down, to record sth in writing, to understand
zapt etmek, ele geçirmek, yakalamak; el koymak:[fiil]  to seize
zapt edilemez:impregnable, unassailable

[ son aranan 10 kelime: pencıl case | to ask a bank for a line of credit | wisdom teeth | vezne | child labour | to act as insurer | hamile | money pinch | oyer and terminer | zapt ]
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